About Us

The Lit Lemonade Difference

Lit Lemonade isn’t just an energy drink – it’s a glowing testament to freshness and quality. Our drinks have a shelf life of just 45 days, making them the freshest option on the market. We believe in staying fresh, both in our ingredients and our approach to energizing big events.

Elevating Big Events

From concerts to music festivals to sporting events, and great Mornings, Lit Lemonade is the go-to energy drink for those who demand the freshest experience. It is a great option for the night, but it also was great in the morning. Our glowing cans add an element of fun and uniqueness to any occasion, while our 17% real fruit juice formula offers a better-for-you option that stands out from the crowd.

Quality You Can Taste

At Lit Lemonade, quality is non-negotiable. Our caffeine is sourced from the highest quality, proprietary blend of caffeine and undergoes a meticulous extraction process to ensure purity and potency. It is a patented extraction process that gets more antioxidants and nootropic benefits. While other brands may settle for cheaper alternatives, we spare no expense in delivering a superior product that you can trust.

100% Fresh Natural Lemon Juice'
Sugar (25% less than soda)